Credit Card offers change frequently. See our Best Credit Card Deals for the latest offers. This post is not about the biggest bonuses in the credit card world, but rather cards that a regular family can use year after year. While my strategy is to switch the cards regularly and collect miles and points along […]
The family perspective on miles vs. cash back dilemma
One of my relatives has recently asked whether its best to focus on earning cash back or miles with your credit card. I figured I would do a post giving my humble opinion on the matter. There is no question, that it’s worthwhile getting an airline card with 50000 miles bonus and putting the minimum […]
Stay in nice USA hotels for 30 dollars per night this summer, tax included!
Update: this deal is over. Look for it again in 2014. I normally don’t buy points, but there is an amazing opportunity for those of you , who are flexible on dates and places for this summer vacation. Every year American Express runs a promotion on the website, where they sell hotel loyalty points […]
Which credit card deal to pick?
In my previous post, I described, how without getting on an airplane or staying at a hotel, my family has earned close to a million points in a course of 1 year. Full disclosure: I did include about 200 thousand points, earned by my in-laws as a result of my (very forceful) assistance! All of […]
Family Travel , Almost Free
Hi! I am a SAHM, that’s stay-at-home mom for those of you, without kids. We are just an average family with 2 kids, with very average income. Our money is tight and travel is difficult to afford sometimes. I do have a serious case of wanderlust, though. Additionally, my family lives in Europe, so bringing […]