It looks like this method is currently working again (hat tip to DoC). I don’t know how long this option will be around, so I suggest you do this without delay. It will only take a few minutes of your time. Keep in mind that unfortunately, new Club upgrades will have an expiration date of February 2020 (like current ones in your account). Still, even if you have no use for them, Explorist status is nice to have because it should give you an upgrade to the best available room.
Here are the steps:
- If you don’t currently have MLife Gold status, you will have to get it first via match from Hyatt Explorist. Scroll down this page and click on Opt In.
- Once you get matched to MLife Gold, open a separate tab and log in to your MLife account
Click this link to match MLife to Hyatt online
You will probably get this error:
Log out of your Hyatt account and log back in. If everything goes according to the plan, your Explorist status should now have an expiration date of February 2020, and you should be able to see 4 new Club upgrades:
I recommend you do it without delay because these opportunities often die pretty quickly. Plus, it’s hard to say whether it will even be possible to match in March. Hyatt may kill this loophole for good. Besides, starting in March, Hyatt Explorist status obtained via match will no longer give you club upgrades.
Author: Leana
Leana is the founder of Miles For Family. She enjoys beach vacations and visiting her family in Europe. Originally from Belarus, Leana resides in central Florida with her husband and two children.
Wish there was a way to upgrade discoverist to Explorist..ha ha
@Natasha You never know if an opportunity presents itself, so keep an eye on status match offers from Hyatt.
It worked!!! So happy still working. Another year of upgrades and lounge access.
@Tania Great! I hope you get to enjoy it with your son over the next year.
Still working. You’ll get a 400 (internal server error) response code from Hyatt’s web server, but as an Explorist, when you log back in, you’ll have 4 additional Club access awards with a Feb 2019 expiration.
Er, error code 400 is “bad request”.
Nice! And by the way, I didn’t know what 400 code meant. But I do now. 🙂
@Uri Yep. 🙂
Yay! It worked! Now, the big question is when will they close this loophole.
Glad it worked! I’m not sure how much longer this option will be alive. It will depend on how many people took advantage of it so far. Eventually, Hyatt will notice.