This will be a short post that goes along with my previous write-up on the same topic I’ve been doing further research to find out if other cruise lines aside from Carnival, Princess and Holland America give you free cruise offers by submitting your information online. As a result, I came across this Reddit thread.
Someone asked if Virgin matches offers from other cruise lines, and a Reddit user who goes by JSLev9 posted this response:
“I submitted a status match on Sunday (11/26) through the form linked below and got my response yesterday (11/29). I had invitations for Carnival Ultra and Elite sailings, plus free room offers for other sailings. Virgin offered me: “a complimentary Sea Terrace cabin aboard our beautiful Scarlet, Valiant, or Resilient Lady for any 7 Night or less sailing through the end of September 2024 (Holidays and Transatlantic EXCLUDED). The only cost would be the government taxes & fees for the cabin.
I asked for clarity of what they consider a holiday and they said just Christmas and New Years (Memorial Day is fair game, which is what my wife and I are now considering).
This is a very strong offer, in our opinion…especially since Virgin has gratuities, wifi, and most non-alcoholic beverages included in their base fare.”
Note that Virgin page states “please note that we do not match status or offers, but we do our best to give you the best rates or comps.” The above info on Reddit is the only data point I was able to find, and there is no guarantee that others will have the same experience. But I thought I would pass it along. If you currently have a valid offer from Carnival (or other cruise line) and are interested in taking a Virgin cruise in a near future, you can certainly give it a shot. I won’t be taking advantage of this deal, as we simply don’t have the time to do this cruise even if it was free. Keep in mind that Virgin cruises are adult-only.
Another website mentioned in that thread is I did some research on that company as well. Basically, you can submit a screenshot of your status (like MGM Gold) or complimentary offers from cruise lines, and their team will work on your behalf to get you additional complimentary offers. So, essentially, your free cruises get you more cruises. Insane, but true. Reportedly, Carnival Fun Match offers are no longer accepted.
Keep in mind that before you can book anything, a URComped agent will reach out to you and ask for additional information. So, it’s not as simple as getting an email and booking a cruise online. I won’t be using this service, but I wanted to pass along the info.
Readers, let me know if you have any success with getting a comped Virgin cruise!
Author: Leana
Leana is the founder of Miles For Family. She enjoys beach vacations and visiting her family in Europe. Originally from Belarus, Leana resides in central Florida with her husband and two children.
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