I’ve seen quite a few blog posts lately about new offers in Chase’s “Just For You” section in user accounts. This section contains bank offers and credit card offers marked with green and/or black stars. Recent reports indicate that these green and black star offers bypass Chase’s 5/24 rule. I did NOT get approved despite the black star offer.
My “Just For You” Offers
Over the past year, I’ve checked this section on my Chase accounts periodically. I’ve never been offered a credit card here. But, since there have been so many blog posts about this in the past day, I decided to look again.
Sure enough, I had two business card offers in there. I was so excited!
I’ve been drooling over the Chase Ink Business Preferred card for forever. Who couldn’t use 80,000 Ultimate Rewards points? I decided to apply.
The application was already pre-filled for me. I just had to fill out income and my business name.
Unfortunately, I was rejected instantly.
Calling Chase Reconsideration Line
I decided to call the Chase business reconsideration line. Since I didn’t have a reference number or credit card number, I had to press zero multiple times to finally reach a customer service rep.
I expected the rejection to be related to my business income or the fact that I have another Chase business card. But no, my rejection was due to “opened too many accounts in the past 24 months”. What?! Agggh, the dreaded Chase 5/24 rule that this offer did NOT bypass.
The Fine Print and YMMV
I’ve seen a lot of positive data points about these recent black star “Just For You” offers bypassing 5/24. But as I dug deeper in the comments, I discovered that I’m not the only one who was still rejected for 5/24. For the record, I’ve only opened one new credit card this year in January.
Apparently, even on these “Just For You” offers, you need to make sure your offer has a fixed APR, not a range. The offers with a range don’t seem to pass 5/24. But, YMMV.

Do you have any new “Just For You” Chase offers that have popped up recently?
Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
Just grabbed the CIP after being 4/24 as of November 13. Instant approval.
@Natasha Woohoo!
I didn’t see anything under just for you, but I did see black stars for several cards by looking down a bit further under credit cards. Think it was frequent miler who posted that. I was instantly approved for marriott and way over 5/24. Hubby tried for a business card and didn’t get instant approval. I called automated line and they said 30 days.We really don’t put much spend on our chase cards, and usually do bonus categories.
@Lynn Glad to hear you were approved! I hope the business card comes through for your hubby.
Doctor of Credit was pretty clear that you needed to have a fixed APR offer for the 5/24 magic to occur.
@Brutus That info is buried in the long comment thread and not included on many blog posts about these offers.
I got a selected “just for you” in Sep 2017 and I was rejected for 5/24. So ever since then I don’t believe a lot of the online blogs. Chase 5/24 means what is says. Those who did seem to bypass could have huge spending on Chase cards, huge deposits or credit cards not yet listed on their credit report.
Well some good news I am now for the first time, at 4/24. I might apply “legally” for the CSP.
@Oscar Yay for being at 4/24! I’m jealous. I have to wait until next summer.