AA Miles Can’t Be Used to Book Alaska Flights Next Year: Starting March 1, 2020, it will no longer be possible to use AA miles to book Alaska flights and vice versa. See this post on View From the Wing. This is a major bummer, as I’ve used AA miles to fly on Alaska Airlines to Hawaii and Canada in the past.
Changes Coming to Delta Credit Cards: This week, Delta and Amex announced some changes coming to their credit card lineup. This post from Greg at The Frequent Miler sums up the changes nicely. I’ve had the Delta cards in the past, but I haven’t held onto them as “keeper” cards.
United Airline Partner Awards Moving to Dynamic Pricing. Or not?: As reported earlier, United Airlines is moving to dynamic pricing next month. When it was announced originally, partner awards were to remain static. Now, the FAQ on United makes it sound like partner awards are also moving to dynamic pricing. Or are they? See this post on View From the Wing.
New Restrictions for BoA Cards: I’ve had bad luck getting approved for Bank of America cards over the past 2 years. Doctor of Credit recently published a new rule from BoA detailing the 7/12 rule for people who have bank accounts with BoA and the 3/12 rule for those who do not. See this post for more details. I’ve updated our post New Card Approval Restrictions by Bank Issuer with the new BoA rules.
What If I Don’t Want to Live Like a Local When I Travel?: I love this post by YMMV. Why do people applaud traveling like a local and skipping the touristy areas? I love this quote from the writer about what locals likely do: “It’s more likely they do exactly what we do when at home. Go to work, come home, eat dinner and then surf the net or watch Netflix and go to bed, to repeat over and over, while all the time planning and dreaming about their next vacation.” Ha!
An Epic 3 Days in Denver: I enjoyed reading this post about Denver on More Than Main Street. I grew up near Denver and visit often, so I’m a little biased. We typically skip the rental car in Denver as well (see my post on the first time we skipped the rental car in Denver).
Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
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