Well, friends, it looks like my site’s transition went fine. I’m currently learning all the quirks as this new set-up is a bit different from my old one. But it appears that my email subscribers were transferred like they were supposed to, so please, let me know if you are having trouble receiving new posts. Ditto for feedly followers. Update: It looks like many are having issues accessing posts via feed. Sorry! I was told those should be resolved within a day or two.
In the next few days I’ll be working on changing fonts (tried for an hour yesterday and wasn’t able to figure it out) and doing minor tweaks to the website. If you have any suggestions on improving blog’s user-friendliness (a word?), don’t hesitate to speak up. I can’t promise I’ll be able to implement it due to my limited knowledge, but I will try.
I hate to say it, but even after three years, I hardly know what I’m doing! I’m referring to SEO (search engine optimization) as well as IT side of blogging. I keep telling myself that I need to learn all these stuff in order to compete, but so far, I haven’t found a good way to manufacture time.
Speaking of, I wanted to share some thoughts. When I first started blogging, I saw a few articles saying that having your own site is an excellent form of networking. The blog itself may not make a lot of money (or any, for that matter), but it may open doors to a career that is totally unrelated to what you are writing about. But I never in a million years thought it would actually happen to me.
But it did. A few weeks ago I was approached with an offer to work from home, doing something I’ve always been interested in (unrelated to miles and points). The hours would be flexible, and I would make decent money per hour.
Life is so ironic. I used to dream of working in this particular field, but wasn’t sure where to start. Then I got into miles and points blogging, which is an all-consuming task at times, and the job came to me. At first, I thought maybe I could do both. After all, the kids are now in elementary school, so my life isn’t quite so crazy. But the thing is, I have other important weekly commitments which I don’t discuss in my blog. Those take up a huge amount of time.
Sure, I could try to write on weekends, but what about spending quality time with my family? My husband works 50-60 hours per week, and hardly has time to rest. I can’t just ask him to watch the kids while I’m taking care of my multiple projects. Trying to write with kids around? It’s a nightmare. I did it this summer and I’m seriously thinking about taking several months off next year while they are out of school. I found myself aggravated, unable to concentrate because they would interrupt me every five minutes.
Do you sometimes see these images online, portraying stay-at-home-moms happily blogging away with their kids playing on their lap? They are a lie directed at desperate women who want to bring in extra income without leaving home. Usually, those articles are accompanied by a sales pitch to sign up for a blogging course (only $300 or three easy payments of $100!)
Pay it and you’ll be making $1,000 per month in no time, with virtually no effort!!! The reality is much different. Blogging is darn hard and requires commitment. It is NOT for the faint of heart, not if you want to do it long-term and post quality material 7 times per week.
After mulling it over, it was clear that I could only choose one gig. I simply can not handle several jobs, plus other non-paying commitments and still properly take care of my family. After all, isn’t it why I became a SAHM in the first place? To devote more time to my family? I did walk away from a part-time job that paid me $34 per hour, didn’t I?
I could tell that my husband wanted me to dump the blog and do a gig where I can actually make decent money. No more “monkey performing clever tricks for tips,” aka relying on affiliate commission. No more thinking: “Is this the month where I make $80 in exchange for 80 hours of my time?” No more reading ridiculous rants about how it’s so terrible to have credit card affiliate links, written by selfish individuals who have no clue how much effort goes into running a blog.
I wouldn’t have to transfer my site (and pay money for someone to do it for me), or cover new hosting fees. The blog would become a hobby, a place to rant a few times per month (or year). I could just go for the sure thing where I would be compensated without worrying about my affiliate company dumping me for non-performance.
It was a dream gig and I turned it down.
The thing is, I love what I do on this site. Yes, it’s hard sometimes and yes, I do want to make money in exchange for all those hours I put into it. And I definitely want to compensate Nancy for all of her hard work and wonderful posts. But in the end, more than anything, I want to write words that matter. Words that can improve someone’s life just a little bit. I want to help poor families take a vacation that they thought they couldn’t afford.
Obviously, I don’t consider my site to be irreplaceable. In fact, according to traffic and Google search, there is very little demand for my brand of content. It’s a “loser” business no matter how you look at it. Majority in this hobby are simply not interested in what I have to say. But few are.
Right before I got this offer, I received an email from a fellow SAHM. She told me how much she appreciated my posts. That person also said she knew that eventually I may decide that blogging is no longer worth it, but she will be reading for as long as I keep on writing.
So I guess I’ll just keep on writing…for now. Plus, I think this industry is full of Alpha Males and testosterone in general. I consider it my duty to bring balance to the force!
Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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Author: Leana
Leana is the founder of Miles For Family. She enjoys beach vacations and visiting her family in Europe. Originally from Belarus, Leana resides in central Florida with her husband and two children.
I was hanging on every word… Nervous you were going to leave us! What a relief! Stay stay stay!
@ Amanda Sorry! I didn’t mean to create suspense. I would have said something to begin with if i planned on leaving. I don’t want to toy with readers’ emotions. I hope to keep this thing going, though frequency of posting may vary from time to time. I need to make sure that I take care of my priorities. But I do love this blog!
Thank you for doing what you do. I have to laugh when I read about the bloggers who travel 1st class suites or the family who can travel anytime of the year because they have non-school aged children – their info isn’t practical for those with a limited vacation budget, kids in school, and can only travel during peak times. Keep up the good work and the practical and useful advice.
@Stephanie I really appreciate the encouragement. I enjoy interacting with folks like you and seeing how this hobby benefits your lives. I have the nicest, most reasonable readers!
I don’t have a problem with fancy, first-class travel, but it’s just not practical for us most of the time. I’m glad to know that there are others in the hobby who are in the same boat. Thanks for sticking around and don’t ever hesitate to reach out with questions.
@HML Thank you! It was a nice self-esteem booster, for sure. Well, not everything is about money, I guess. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself, hehe! 🙂 I definitely appreciate the fact that I have loyal readers like you who keep coming back. You guys are gluttons for punishment. It makes it harder to walk away from this blog when you know that someone actually gives a crap.
Awww, I was getting so excited for you…real $$$$.
Too bad you can’t do it all. And I do appreciate your site.
Congrats on the move. I should do this too, but avoiding it for now.
Thanks, Danny! I actually paid $129 for the switch (plus Bluehost costs) and it looks like it was worth it. So much involved, apparently. If you are technically inclined, you might be able to do it yourself.
Time will tell if I did the right thing, but mostly, I just wanted full control over my content and having more plug-ins available. I’m not yet sure what major changes I’ll make (if any), but at least I have options which I didn’t have before.
I didn’t realize that it will now cost extra $5 per month for data back-up (on top of hosting fees), so keep that in mind. Overall, it will be a wash for me in terms of cost. I paid for WordPress Premium, so this move won’t be saving me any money. Most of the new set-up is very similar, but there are a few quirks. I’m trying to figure it all out. I’ll definitely let you know if I run into major problems.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.