No, it’s not what you think. No controversy today, folks. This is something that has been on my mind lately. I think many times my posts don’t come across the way I intend them to. Case in point: Paid Vacation Rentals vs. Rooms Bookable on Points, Plus Opportunity Cost
I hope it’s OK if I quote one of the comments:
“I’m one of those nutcases spending 20,000 UR points a night on a Hyatt hotel next summer. Actually, 3 nights for 60,000 points. It’s a 4-5 hour drive from our house, it has a lazy river and sandy beach pool, and a kids club. Did I mention it has a kids club???!!!!??”
Kids club, that sounds soooo nice…
Friends, hobbyists, countrymen, lend me your ears. These are your miles! It is none of my business how you spend them, and you don’t owe me an explanation. I’m just an internet blogger, one of many. I make mistakes, I’m arrogant at times, and yes, a little (just a little) narcissistic. I’m not an authority on what you should do with YOUR miles.
I am not anti-Hyatt or anti-anything, well, except hypocrisy. Many bloggers I admire and respect have burnt an obscene amounts of points on places I would never even consider. Does it mean I think any less of them? Not at all. We are all different and have unique tastes and preferences. That’s what makes this hobby interesting.
We also all have different budgets and savings accounts. I don’t let dollars define an individual. I’ve been around poor people who were super materialistic, and wealthy individuals who had a balanced view of money. Stereotypes are a dangerous thing because they can cloud your judgement and make you needlessly attribute bad motives.
My goal with this blog is to encourage readers to think outside the box, and more than anything, to think for themselves. I don’t mean it in a patronizing manner. Just, please, don’t let bloggers (including me) dictate what is an acceptable use of miles and points. Obsessing over opportunity cost can rob you of joy and become an opportunity cost of pursuing The Hobby.
Enjoy your travel as a family! It’s a beautiful thing.
Author: Leana
Leana is the founder of Miles For Family. She enjoys beach vacations and visiting her family in Europe. Originally from Belarus, Leana resides in central Florida with her husband and two children.
What, you mention rant without “Vendome” in the same sentence? Your blog’s Alexa ranking is gonna go down, LOL. But seriously speaking, everybody’s situation and priorities are different. I may not think that someone spending 80K points for 5 nights at a Holiday Inn Express property in some non-exotic place which can normally be had for $100-120/night is a good redemption. But if that’s the difference between taking a vacation or not going at all because they don’t have/want to spend the money, who am I to judge? If I were in that situation, I’d probably agree to use the points. 5 days of relaxation is usually better than 5 days of work any day! For me, reading miles/points blogs over the last several years has certainly raised my awareness about the values of the various “currencies” and I do think more carefully about earning/using points/miles or paying cash. But sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do, no matter the “cost”. Be informed, but don’t sweat over a decision to fly economy class to Europe instead of LH business/first because it best fits your particular situation. Better to travel and have some fun than not at all.
@Erik My Alexa ranking is pretty pathetic, so I’m not concerned. 🙂 I really need to look into all this SEO stuff, I’m about 2 years too late figuring out the business aspect of blogging. Ironic, since I make a point of calling my blog a business. But I have real, engaged readership, not just Google surfer crowd, so I’m happy about that.
Yeah, I don’t dare to use the term Vendoming, talk about kicking a hornet’s nest!
It’s funny that you’ve mentioned non-exotic redemptions. Well, I’ve just redeemed 75,000 IHG points for basic HIE, getting a little over 0.51 CPP in value. How is that for non-sexy? But it was in perfect location, we actually needed a hotel, and I could save cash. So, I burned the points, especially since I got them via various promos for around 0.25 CPP So, I think it qualifies as “buying low, selling high.” That said, not my most glorious redemption.
I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer as to when you should burn or save points. Like you said, everyone has different priorities. Of course, if you can get a hotel for $40 or use 25,000 IHG points, I’d say pay cash, even to someone who has little in savings. Most of the time, it’s not quite so black and white.
Your blog does not sound arrogant to me–just knowledgeable. 🙂 Keep writing!
Shoesinks, thank you! That’s good to hear. I think all of us bloggers should watch out for narcissism and arrogance. It can creep in subtly, I’m sure I’m guilty in this department.