I was asked by my affiliate company to encourage readers to check out Cardmatch program due to the abundance of special offers, currently available on the market. As I described before, after you click my link in “Support me” page, you would have to go to “offers matched for you”, put in your info and different cards will come up based on your profile.
The best offer IMO is Amex Premier Rewards Gold with 50000 points sign-up bonus. Actually, one of my relatives just applied for it and got approved. I was instructed to tell you that consumers who might have not been able to see some of these premium offers previously, may now be able to see these more frequently. I am actually allowed to insert Cardmatch and Barclay’s bank links into my posts, but decided against it. Though that may change, if my affiliate company requires me to do so.
I hope you understand, that there are certain requirements and obligations I have to fulfill, because technically I am a contractor. I can honestly say that so far everything I have recommended, I would recommend if I was a non-affiliate blogger. I intend to keep it that way.
You may have noticed that many cards in my “Best deals” page do not pay me commission. I hope to earn your trust by being a 100 percent honest in all of my posts. As always, read about the dangers of credit cards in my “Best deals” page before applying for anything. Thanks for reading and please come back!
Author: Leana
Leana is the founder of Miles For Family. She enjoys beach vacations and visiting her family in Europe. Originally from Belarus, Leana resides in central Florida with her husband and two children.
Hi, Jacob! Thanks for commenting! Sunshine,eh? Well, at least its better than sweetheart! 🙂 I’m not sure I’m allowed to include the link in my Best deals page, since there are other cards listed there. I know I can insert the links in the individual posts, but choose not to.
Its not any kind of a noble statement, just a personal choice. They may require me to do so, at which point I probably would. Though I will include warnings about cards next to the links.
The whole thing is very confusing to me as well, but I’m doing my best to comply. Thanks for reading my posts.
Hey sunshine. How about a link straight to card match at the top of best deals so we don’t have to work so hard! It will pay off even if it is just for me alone..
Keep up the good work