A few days ago I wrote about the new TAP Air Portugal Amex by Cardless. I applied for the card but was denied (see this post).
Well, yesterday I received an email from Cardless that said:
“We recently received an application from you for the TAP Miles&Go American Express Credit Card. We took another look and determined that you’re eligible to be approved. “
The email requested I respond if I was still interested. Uh, yes! This is a first for me, as I never called a reconsideration line for this card.
“You will receive a welcome email soon with more details. Please continue to monitor your email for updates.”
So, it looks like I’ll be getting the TAP Air Portugal Amex card after all. I can only assume that applications haven’t been as numerous as they hoped and they are revisiting some early denials. But, whatever. I have 65k miles coming in my future!

Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
What are the chances they saw your last blog post?
@Kyle I’m not sure.