We post about this every year around this time. This is your annual reminder to update your Hyatt and MGM statuses through matching.
Hyatt/MGM Status Match
Hyatt and MGM have a partnership that allows status matching from one brand to the other. MGM statuses just reset on Feb 1, 2023. So, if you have Hyatt Explorist status, you can match to MGM Gold status now. Then once that is complete, you can match your updated MGM status to Hyatt in order to renew your Explorist status through February 2024.
Hyatt to MGM status match — Do this before 2/28/23. Click on “learn more”.
MGM to Hyatt status match — Do this next. Scroll to bottom and “click here to opt in”.
Why do we status match?
When you match to MGM Gold, you get perks at MGM properties, including:
- Free parking
- Resort fees waived
- Free room upgrades
Having MGM Gold status also opens other doors. That’s how I got two free Carnival cruises and a free Holland America cruise!
Leana recently used her Hyatt Explorist status to match to AA Platinum status (for 4 months). This status enabled her to book Main Cabin Extra seats for no additional cost (see her post here).
In addition, matching between the programs is a way to maintain Hyatt Explorist status even if you don’t have the required number of Hyatt stays.
How did I get Hyatt Explorist status? Several years ago, I had Hilton Diamond status through a credit card. Through a Twitter promo, I matched to the old Hyatt Diamond status (now Hyatt Globalist). My status eventually dropped to Explorist. But, through this matching merry-go-round, I’ve been able to hang onto my Hyatt Explorist status.

Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
Thanks for this! I had last year’s article saved in my calendar and did this on 1 Feb, took a couple of days as I kept getting errors. Got there in the end, lucked out on Hyatt explorist last year due to reduced qualifying requirements and glad to hang on to it for another year. Would not know about this if I wasn’t a regular reader!
@Reney I got an error on the second part too this year, but I tried the next day again and it worked. Glad you can hold onto your Explorist status! And thanks for being a regular reader! 🙂