A few weeks ago when The Takeoff Nap published one of my satire posts, I had to chuckle at the comment from one reader. Out of all the things in the article, the part of this fake news that was most offensive was that fact that the traveler ate at McDonald’s in Switzerland.
I am not embarrassed to admit that my family eats at McDonald’s when we travel internationally. Yes, we’ve had McDonald’s in France, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand, and I have no regrets. Why?
Different Menus
You never know what you will find on the menu at McDonald’s in other countries. The McDonald’s in Paris had macarons that were delicious. The McDonald’s in Interlaken, Switzerland had shrimp and rice. It’s fun to see and try some new-to-us fast food items.

Cool Locations
Not every McDonald’s is in a boring building. Some of the McDonald’s we visited were fun just to experience the ambiance. For example, this McDonald’s in Paris was a sidewalk oasis for people watching on Champs-Elysees:

And we will never forget this McDonald’s we visited inside an old airplane in New Zealand:

Cheaper than Sit-down Restaurants
Of course, we want to experience local cuisine when we travel to other countries. But, eating at full-service restaurants is not budget-friendly in many countries. Replacing a meal or two with McDonald’s during a trip gives our budget some relief, especially when we’re traveling as a family of five or six people.
Fulfills Cravings
Have you ever been traveling and had a craving for familiar comfort food? Like you just have to have a plan ‘ol hamburger? McDonald’s scratches that itch for us.
Makes my Kids Happy
When we travel as a family, we don’t always agree on everything. We all make compromises, and not everyone is happy all the time. But guess what? Eating at McDonald’s makes my kids happy. And sometimes, after a long day of travel, I just want to make everyone happy with a no-brainer choice of restaurant.
Bottom Line
When it comes to travel, I’m a big proponent of “You do you!” If eating at a McDonald’s in another country (or anywhere) horrifies you, then skip it. I wouldn’t eat it every day while traveling internationally. I can only stand so much. But, for my family, McDonald’s will likely stay in the mix during our future international trips.
Have you eaten at McDonald’s or at another US fast-food chain while traveling internationally?
Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
My wife thinks that it’s some kind of withdrawal from saturated fats that draws us after being away for a while. I’ve heard similar things from others so maybe she has something there.
If you go to (South) Korea, the bulgogi burger rocks and the happy stick figures that indicate the bathrooms are pretty interesting as well.
I found your article very informative. Do keep posting such articles! Thank You.
I didn’t realize how triggered people can be over someone else’s restaurant choices! LOL
For our Europe trip next summer we plan on trying as many local restaurants as possible. But we’re also traveling with kids so… I’ve already mapped out where the Taco Bells, McDonald’s, and Hard Rock Cafes are located 🙂
@projectx Right?!?! (Did you decide where you’re staying in Switzerland yet?)
Leaning heavily towards Wengen. Great central location, and a couple hotels with indoor pools. With the weather being so unpredictable there, it will be nice to have that option.
I’ve toyed with changing our itinerary to a different location since Switzerland is so expensive… Lake Como (northern Italy), Portugal, or southern France are candidates… but then I keep coming back to Switzerland every time!
@projectx I’m rooting for Wengen, but I’m sure wherever you decide will be fantastic!
I catch up on this website about once a week. Believe it or not I was having breakfast at an AirBnB in Taupo when I read this article, couldn’t believe the airplane was 3 mins away so drove by for a photo before traveling south! If we had known would have stopped for breakfast!
@Irene Wow! What a coincidence! I hope you’re having a great time in New Zealand.
Yes!! No shame! My teenage son actually was fascinated with all the different menu items in each country we visited this summer.
Our family loves to eat McD when out of country. The one in Brugge was such a cool building. The one in Australia that brought out our food on cutting boards and the fries in the small fry baskets (not to mention the first self-serve kiosk back in 2016). The one in Germany that gave you a choice of bottled beer with your meal. Even just to stop for ice cream is worth it..
@Josh Wow, sounds like you’ve found some good ones on your travels.
I’m right there with you. We’ve enjoyed checking out local McDonalds in various countries. They all have a unique twist. And yes, my kids love it, so that’s the main reason we seek them out. I was very sad we didn’t get a chance to stop at McDonald’s in Paris due to our short time in the city.
@Leana The McDonald’s on Champs-Elysees was very nice!
It’s also a place where I can reliably find free, reliable wifi–that, in itself is worth the stop.
@elcraig58 Great point!
I have two kids that are highly allergic to nuts, seeds, and all fish products (which is ubiquitous in Asia/India). We don’t let that hold us back in travel. We traveled to Japan. My husband and I ate at local restaurants, while we pre-fed the kids McDs. A total life-saver!
@kabukijuul Yes! In Paris we let the kids have McDonald’s while we had a different dinner. Win-win!
We agree. McDonalds has different menus in different countries. They still have the FRIED apple pies in Taiwan!
@deacon I’ve never had the fried apple pie!
No one, and I mean NO ONE should be eating this junk anywhere…
Will put this in my list for my upcoming trip to Paris.
It’s not surprising that that someone who mistakes French macarons for macaroons enjoys McDonald’s.
It’s not surprising that someone who chooses to be sneering and pedantic over a typo makes a grammatical mistake in their own post.
I hear ya 10000% my kids are picky, so MCD you know what you are going to get, although yes, MCD around the world has fun, new things. We have been in Montreal, Milan and Paris!
@Momma to Go Yes!!