Breaking News: Amex September Transfer Bonuses: Amex just announced 12 transfer bonuses for September. See this post from One Mile at a Time.
$3 Movie Tickets: I know this has nothing to do with travel, but who doesn’t love a movie in an actual theatre with popcorn? This Saturday is National Cinema Day, and several theatres are offering $3 movie tickets and $3 concessions. My local Cinemark chain is doing this, as well as AMC and Regal. I bought tickets! h/t Miles to Memories
Status Matching with Virgin Voyages: Virgin Voyages just announced a loyalty program. Check out this post on Your Mileage May Vary. I need to look into this more closely, as in the spring I will have top status with Disney Cruise Line.
Not Breaking News: Frontier Airlines Sucks: This post on The Points of Life made me chuckle. My family has flown on Frontier to Denver and Orlando in the past, and it’s my kids’ least favorite airline. What do they dislike the most? The teeny tiny tray tables.
I’m taking a 4-day weekend. I hope everyone has a great extended weekend!

Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
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