One National Under Quarantine: When Travel Became the Great Divider: Interesting post on TPG. With so many country/state restrictions and even personal preferences within families, travel has become difficult and controversial.
9 Thoughts on Flying During Coronavirus: I like the photos and commentary on this post by Thrifty Traveler. I may be stepping on a plane soon, so it’s good to know what to expect.
Texas, California and Florida Close Beaches for Holiday Weekend: Several states are closing beaches over the July 4th weekend. Galveston in Texas just announced their closure yesterday. Crazy times!
Bahamas and Atlantic City Reopen: Miles to Memories has the details on the Bahamas reopening to visitors as well as the reopening of Atlantic City.
Have a safe and fun July 4th weekend!

Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
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