Self Health Assessments Are a Crock: I have to agree with this post from Your Mileage May Vary. Self health assessments have been used on cruise ships forever, but I think there is a lot of fudging going on. Now they are popping up everywhere. I agree that these self assessments are more for show. But who knows? Maybe they filter out a few sick people.
What We Tried at McDonald’s in Sri Lanka: Michael from Michael W Travels has some interesting posts about his visits to McDonald’s restaurants around the world. This post details the unique offerings at the McDonald’s in Sri Lanka. I’m not ashamed to admit that my family ate at a few McDonald’s on our last international trip. Heck, our last McDonald’s we visited in New Zealand was inside an airplane!

When Are You Going to Fly With your Kids Again?: This is an interesting perspective from Summer at TPG about her comfort level for flying again with kids. It’s such a personal decision for everyone, and to be honest I’m not sure how this decision will play out in my family. For me personally, the fact that Disney is opening its parks is no comfort to me. While I trust the brand and I perceive that Disney puts more effort into safety, I think the parks are opening for business reasons only.
Hawaii Extends 14-day Quarantine for Visitors: The big news this week is that Hawaii extended its 14-day quarantine for visitors through the end of July. This effectively cancels most tourism in the state. See this post on Miles to Memories. I can’t say that I blame them. This supposed second-wave of coronavirus is really just the first wave that never went away.
Have a great weekend!
Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
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