Alaska Will Require Covid-19 Test for Visitors: From One Mile at a Time, Alaska will now require visitors to take a Covid-19 test in lieu of a 14-day quarantine. I really feel for the tourist industry in Alaska. With the cruise ship season cancelled and now this, I’m sure a lot of business are really struggling. Will Hawaii do the same?
Americans Are Now More Willing to Travel Again: DDG from Miles to Memories summarizes a recent tourism survey that found more Americans are willing to travel now than just a few weeks ago. I’m a sucker for stats. I think many people have altered their vacation plans and are road-tripping to less crowded spots. Also, here in Texas, many people seem to be just over the whole social distancing thing and are just trying to return to their pre-pandemic lives.
Can I Travel There Right Now? Free Tool Tells You: From God Save the Points, check out the free IATA tool that lets you know the travel restrictions in each country. This is very handy if you are thinking about crossing boarders soon.
I Was at Universal Orlando’s Opening Day: Interesting post by Richard Kerr on TPG about his experience at Universal Orlando on its re-opening day with all of the new policies in place. I really hope things are different by next summer.

Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
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