I barely survived May of 2019. The month was ridiculously busy for my entire family. I couldn’t believe how full our schedule was. A few of our events included:
- Middle-school sports tournaments
- High-school sports tryouts
- End-of-year orchestra and choir concerts
- School parties, carnivals, field day, graduations…
- Going to friends’ events
I was in tears half the month. I remember saying to my husband last year, “Next year, we’re just going to say no to things. I can’t do another May like this.” I’m pretty sure the Holderness family was channeling me with their parody song:
May 2020
When I wished for a less busy May for the future, I had no idea it would turn into a completely empty May calendar! Be careful what you wish for, I guess.
Last night, my husband and I were sitting on the porch outside. This was after a leisurely family dinner and bike ride. He said to me, “I don’t want everyone to be stuck in quarantine forever, but it sure is nice to not be rushing around every afternoon and evening.” Yes!!
Pre-quarantine, I had to have dinner ready at a certain time every night (and it changed by day) to accommodate our evening schedule (tutoring, sports, etc.). Now, we eat dinner whenever! It’s so freeing.
Knowing that it won’t be like this forever, we’re trying to figure out how to strike a balance for the future. We’re thinking about moving one of our kids’ activities to the weekend instead of weeknights. Or maybe there’s an activity that can disappear without anyone noticing.
Whatever the future holds, for the first time in years I’m actually looking forward to this month of May. How is your May looking?

Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
I’m going to have to spend May looking for a job (along with 30m other Americans). Fortunately I was approved for a 6 months mortgage deferral and I’ve got supplemented unemployment insurance so it’ll be OK. In my case I’m going to be recalling May 2019 with very fond memories but I’ll go with the flow into whatever is coming.
I’m sorry, Janet. So many people are going through the same right now. Hopefully the economy will pick up quickly after some of these phased openings.
May will be horrible for us! Just found out my daughter hasn’t turned in a few of her assignments and got a fe F’s. So, I’m busy reaching out to teachers to see how we can fix it. Ugh!!!
The YouTube video was hilarious. Never heard of these guys, so I looked them up. Lo and behold, they have a quarantine video follow up set to the same song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxS1Je9UrGQ
@Leana I love their videos! I don’t know how they come up with so many creative ones. Sorry that May won’t be so relaxing for you. If it makes you feel better, one of my kids is in the same boat. Hopefully the teachers are understanding.