This week, over 55 million Americans are traveling more than 50 miles from their homes to spend Thanksgiving with family and friends. Many people will stay at a relative’s house overnight instead of staying at a local hotel.
Staying with family can bring unexpected joy as well as mishaps and surprises.
Funny Stories from Bunking with Grandma
As a child, my family stayed at my Grandma’s house in New Jersey whenever we visited. As an adult, I’ve stayed with my parents and my in-laws before kids and after kids. A few memorable moments include:
- As a kid, my siblings and I were sleeping on the floor of the living room at Grandma’s when somebody tried to break in through the front door!
- When I was a newlywed, my husband and I stayed at my parents’ condo with them and shared a full-size bed. I don’t recommend it, even if you’re married!
- One time when everyone stayed at Grandma’s, we all brought our dogs. There were 8 dogs roaming around the house like a pack! Talk about loud!
- One year, the house alarm went off in the middle of the night. Everyone woke up, dogs were barking, the alarm company was calling. My in-laws slept through all the commotion!
A few reader stories shared with me on social media:
- Monica and her husband were staying at her in-laws’ house with a new puppy. Overnight, the puppy chewed a hole in the comforter while they were sleeping and ripped the stuffing out. The bedding was brand new!
- Tabitha shared that while staying at her parents’ house with a house full of extended family, the septic tank backed up. Not only was it messy, but nobody could use the shower or toilet. Yikes!
The Good Stuff
Of course, staying with family has a lot of benefits. When you stay at their house, you get to spend a lot more time together than if you stayed at a hotel. Kids can play with their cousins more, and every night is like a fun sleepover for them.
When you stay with family, usually there is more room to spread out and relax during the day. For some, it means coming home to the house they grew up in.
When a Hotel Saves the Relationship
For some, staying with family over the holidays is very difficult. Beds are uncomfortable, noise levels are too loud for decent sleep, or differences of opinion start to boil up to create conflict. I totally get it! Staying at a hotel might be the best thing.
Do you stay with family during the holidays? Please share your funny or odd experiences in the comments.
Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
I take it you shared the full-sized bed at your parents’ house with just your husband and not your parents as well
I don’t think a full-sized bed is THAT small (and that’s what my husband and I sleep in when we go to my parents’), but we have a queen at home so it’s not a huge difference. If you normally sleep in a king, yes that would be a change.