My husband and I love the Summer Olympics. Every four years, we obsessively watch the Olympics on TV, vowing that we will travel to see them in person the next time.
Plans for Rio 2016
This seems like an eternity ago, but my husband and I had big dreams of going to the Summer Olympics in Rio. I was corresponding with a condo owner to set up a rental and was in the process of begging family members to watch our kids.
But in the end, the practical side of me won. The cost was just too great. We wanted to take the kids on a Disney Cruise, and we couldn’t do both. Plus, nobody was excited to watch our kids, so I felt bad about leaving them.

Plans for Tokyo 2020
Three years ago, I was like “Tokyo or bust!”. Our kids would be older, and we figured they would be able to handle the crowds, events and flight travel for the Olympics. We contemplated visiting Vladivostok, Russia (see this post) followed by a short flight to Tokyo for the Olympics.
This past year, we’ve gone back and forth again and again about whether we should go to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. You see, I’m really good at over-analyzing vacation decisions and constantly changing my mind.
Our enthusiasm for the trip began to wane as we planned and traveled on our trip to Australia and New Zealand this summer. We loved our trip, but it used up a lot of our resources and vacation time. My husband had to skip our spring break trip this year so that he’d have enough vacation days for the summer trip.
The final nail in the coffin for our Tokyo 2020 plans came when my son made his high school tennis team last week. Practices started in mid-July. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that many of the kids that skipped those “optional” summer practices didn’t make the team. My son is very passionate about playing tennis, and I love to see his dedication and determination.
Going to the Olympics would mean missing next summer’s tennis practices and maybe even missing the actual tryouts. He only has four years to enjoy high school tennis. The timing of the Olympics trip just won’t work.
There’s Always Paris 2024…
By the time Paris 2024 rolls around, my kids can babysit themselves. Ha!
We decided that next summer, we will stay in the U.S. for vacation. We may still make it to Tokyo in 2021 in combination with our trip to Russia. The upside to that timing is that we can avoid all the crowds that will be there for the Olympics.
Are you going to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics? Or, do you have a desire to see any Olympic games in person? How do you prioritize activities and commitments at home with your travel wish list?
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Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
Lauren in Tokyo. Your decision makes sense. We are so excited that the Olympics are only 200 days away. Should be a great summer. Hot, but fun! If you do get to Tokyo check out my mom blog at
Never even considered going to Olympics, even though we love watching it on TV. I always assume the logistics were just too much to organize and it’s going to be peak travel pricess too.
However, it’s coming to Los Angeles in 2028 and we’re local so we’re excited to be close to the action. No excuse not to see Olympics live since it’s close to us.
@Lea I’m very interested in the 2028 Olympics in LA as well. I used to live in the area and it seems like there’s plenty of room for all the visitors.
I also love these. Ignore the troll.
Thanks, Natasha!
I actually like these posts the best. Keep writing Nancy!
Thanks, Joyce!
I thought these blogs were for the traveling public and not some personal whimsical thoughts ?
@Ghostrider5408 This blog has a variety of articles, many of which will speak of our own personal travel decisions. We also write about credit card offers, hotel reviews and other topics that may or may not appeal to every single reader. If the content does not interest you, please feel free to keep scrolling. Thanks for stopping by!