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In case you’re not following our Facebook page, today is the day that Southwest Airlines started selling tickets to Hawaii. And the opening launch fares are quite good!
Currently, Southwest has flights from Oakland and San Jose to Maui and Honolulu. Some days are as low as $49 one-way, or 1950 Southwest Rapid Reward points. The airline will eventually be adding flights from San Diego and Sacramento, and flights to Kauai.
Southwest also has some inter-island flights on sale between Honolulu and the Big Island and Maui. Many dates are just $29 one-way.
Dallas folks, I’m seeing connecting flights from DAL from $112 each way. That’s a huge deal on flights to Hawaii! What a game-changer.
You can book flights on Southwest’s website here. And remember, you can use Southwest points from a Southwest credit card or transfer Chase Ultimate Rewards points to Southwest. Or, you can pay cash and erase the expense with points from cards like the Capital One Venture Rewards card or the Barclaycard Arrival Plus. See our Hot Deals page for more information on these cards.
I don’t expect these opening prices will last long. But, more competition to Hawaii is a great thing for travelers!
Who is booking today?!?!
Author: Nancy
Nancy lives near Dallas, Texas, with her husband and three kids. Her favorite vacations include the beach, cruising and everything Disney.
Wow, these prices are even better than I expected. Yay for Southwest! I really wish we could go to Hawaii this year. ;(
I agree. I did not expect them to start with $49 fares. I was thinking maybe $99 for the launch. But, it does appear that those fares were sold quickly. In searching from Dallas, there are only a few dates in the $100 range now. Most are $300+. I can’t fit in another trip this year anyway. 🙂